Three Reasons to Invest in an Air Purifier

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Three Reasons to Invest in an Air Purifier

Update:04 Aug 2022
When you're looking for an air purifier, there are several factors to consider. Many people use air purifiers to combat allergies or other respiratory issues. Others choose to use air purifiers for general cleaning. These devices are great for households where air pollution and pet odor are a problem, but are also effective for other reasons. Listed below are three reasons you might want to invest in an air purifier. If you're unsure of your needs, consult your doctor.
Choose an air purifier that's allergy and asthma-friendly. These devices have been tested to ensure superior air filtration. These machines are a must for allergy or asthma sufferers. An air purifier's CADR rating is an indication of how fast it can filter common pollutants. Depending on the size of the room, CADR ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 microns. Pollen particles are between five and eleven microns. A high CADR indicates a fast filter and a clean room.
Air purifiers are not only important for allergy and asthma sufferers, but can also help prevent many diseases. These devices capture and destroy harmful residues and allergens in the air, preventing symptoms of asthma or allergy. Air purifiers differ from air humidifiers and ionisers, but they work similarly to prevent and cure respiratory problems. They are becoming increasingly important for hospitals and schools, and can also be used in hospitals to treat a range of illnesses.
Some of the most common pollutants emitted by air cleaners are hazardous gaseous substances (VOCs). While the majority of these pollutants can be removed by an air purifier, the type of contaminants they remove can vary. Volatile organic compounds are present in many types of household materials, including paints, lacquers, air fresheners, and cleaning supplies. Other sources include pets, building materials, and office equipment, including printers, permanent markers, and photographic solutions.
People with asthma or allergic symptoms are also highly susceptible to exposure to indoor airborne allergens. Asbestos is a common substance in buildings, including those built in the 1940s. Asbestos dust contains particles that can irritate the respiratory system and even cause tissue scarring. It can also cause swollen face and neck, loss of appetite, and difficulty swallowing. Having a contaminated air quality in the house can have severe consequences, which is why you need an air purifier for allergy prevention.
Another important feature to consider when choosing an air purifier is the clean air delivery rating. You should aim for a clean air delivery rating of about two-thirds of the area in your home. For larger homes, you should consider purchasing more than one air purifier. MERV is a measure of the size of effective filter particles, which are 0.3 microns or smaller. MERV scores are higher for larger particles.
Some of the best air purifiers are true HEPA filters. These filters capture airborne bacteria and viruses, and they can also eliminate odors and gases. However, you should keep in mind that air purifiers are not a cure-all for asthma or other airborne illnesses. You should also know that there is little evidence to support their effectiveness. There are many home air purifiers on the market, but it's still important to research them thoroughly and choose one that meets your needs.

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